
Montag, 6. Oktober 2014

Zukunft von User Generated Content liegt darin, Geld damit zu verdienen

Der Geschäftsführer des Spieleunternehmens Roblox glaubt fest daran, dass Spiele durch Fokus auf User Generated Content noch erfolgreicher werden können – vor allem dann, wenn die Spieler beim Spielen noch Geld verdienen können!

Up Close @ SMX: Making Mobile SEO Perform For You – Design, Approach ...

up-close-at-smx-east-2014. Mobile SEO is very different from desktop SEO; therefore, ensuring you take the right approach to implementation is critical to success. This was the overarching mobile message at SMX East in New York this past week. I was ...and more


-Search engine optimization adherence in the website relaunch/redesign process is a topic I enjoy talking about. In the past few years I have covered a few topics of what to think about from an SEO perspective when undertaking a redesign effort and how ...and more

Another SEO tool drops the word “SEO”

Majestic, the link intelligence database that many SEOs have come to use on a daily basis, has dropped the “SEO” from it s brand and from its domain name, to become majestic.com. Since most people won t have used Google s site migration tool before,

12 Things To Check In Your Local Homepage SEO Audit

Wonder what an advanced local SEO consultant might check on your local business site s homepage? Here s a list of some of the top health-check items that should be performed in analyzing your homepage to get recommendations for improving your Local

SEO Gets Overlooked As Lead Generation Tool

Among the 342 North American real-estate agents and brokers participating in a survey, 83% believe SEO offers the most important source for online lead generation, but only 4.9% said they generate referrals by optimizing content. It s not clear whether ...

Helfen, wenn beim Jesus der Lack ab ist

Begleitet wird das soziale Jahr mit sechs Seminarwochen, um in Arbeitsbereiche der Denkmalpflege hineinzuschnuppern, zudem unterstützen sie die berufliche Orientierung. „Das Angebot gilt aber nicht nur für Bewerber aus Regensburg, sondern richtet sich